Tag Archive for: indigenous knowledge

Prof. Sarr and prof. Modest sitting and having a conversation

More knowledgeable, less intelligent

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“We have become more knowledgeable but less intelligent.” These words were spoken in Leiden by Prof. Felwine Sarr, a Senegalese academic, poet and musician. Or possibly we should reverse the order and say: ‘a musician, poet and academic’.…
Compilatie van 9 foto's: een overzicht van de groep en allemaal verschillende deelnemers met microfoon, die reageren op de boek presentatie

Book well received Gaborone

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During the OLDN Conference on OD and Change in Gaborone, Botswana, I presented the book on management in Angola, that I wrote together with Vasco Freitas Silva. The book was very well received and it resulted in a lively discussion with all…